Tucson Speaks Out: Aug. 4 letters of the day (2025)

Tucson Speaks Out: Aug. 4 letters of the day (1)

Harris too liberal?

Re: the July 25 letter “Kamala Harris was rated most liberal in Senate.”

Although I disagree to the extent to which you compliment Kamala Harris for being too liberal, I think you’ve given me all the reasons I need to vote for her. Yes, because she favors a woman’s right to choose, I choose her. Climate change and the threat it presents to the entire planet we live on, as a chemist, I approve of the action of Kamala Harris in support of reducing this threat. Carbon dioxide and methane buildup in our atmosphere increases the capture of solar heat — Greenhouse Effect.

Again, thank you!

George Girard

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North side


In recent months, I’ve visited (online or in person) several local governmental agencies and I want to compliment their processes and efficiencies. I used the Pima County Treasurer website portal to pay property taxes for multiple properties and it was an uncomplicated and easy transaction. I researched deed records on the Pima County Recorder’s website and it was much more accessible since they removed the need to prove you’re “not a robot.” I visited the Pima County Courthouse to obtain a copy of an older marriage license for a family member and it took about 10 minutes. I also visited the Arizona State Government office on W. Congress St. to get an apostille certification and that took about five minutes. I appreciate my tax dollars being spent for these services.

Jo A. Griffith

Northwest side

Church teachings

Re: the July 26 letter “Men in Black.”

The sexual revolution of the 1960s and 70s (hetero and homosexual) filtered into all aspects and institutions of American life. Religious clerical life (Catholic, Protestant, Jewish) was not immune. The Catholic League’s Bill Donohue has written extensively on the topic: “The Truth about Clergy Sexual Abuse: Clarifying the Facts and the Causes.” Since the early 2000s, the Catholic Church has addressed the homosexual abuse in the priesthood. After that, credible allegations about homosexual contact by Catholic clergy are dramatically reduced.

The words of Christ are providential in Matthew 23:2-3, “The Scribes and Pharisees sit on the Chair of Moses (judgment seat), so do what they tell you, but not what they do, because they are often hypocrites.” Overall, throughout time, the majority of priests have not been homosexually abusive. Better to remain in the Church, because the teaching is right.

Daniel Pryor

West side

Where is the Democrats’ outrage?

President Biden was just bullied and intimidated out of running for a second term as President and most Democrats have been silent about it. In his place now is VP Kamala Harris, that nobody voted for and who won no primaries. Coronated by Democrat party elites and the liberal news media. And Harris has not said one critical word about what happened. Just quickly adorned the crown. Biden is almost a side note now. Where is the outrage from Democrats and Democrat readers of the AZ Star over this? No empathy or sympathy for Biden or anger at what happened. This was a blatant example of interfering in an election. What was Democratic about it? Nothing. It was a straight out coup that threatens our Democracy. It sets a dangerous precedent for unpopular Presidents in office. But all that is overlooked and forgiven because Democrats and their many news media allies will do anything to beat “threat to Democracy” Trump. Including committing their own “threat to Democracy.”

Gusher Adams


Gun violence in Tucson

Re: the July 29 article “Sound off on gun violence in Tucson.”

The event release statement said, “Community members 18-and-up are encouraged to attend and learn more about gun violence, offer their suggestions for reducing it, and stay informed about the findings at the conclusion of the grant-related work.” Well to begin with, “gun violence” is a misnomer as it should be “people violence.” But the former is the narrative of Democrats relieving individuals of responsibility for harming others. I hope Mayor Romero, the Chief of South Tucson Police and the Chief of TPD attend. What should be brought out is that a predominant amount of the homicides and shootings that occur in Tucson are committed by Latinos in midtown and on the southside. No information is ever revealed about their immigration legal status. This “gun violence” has been ongoing for years. Why have Latino leaders and local Police Departments not addressed it? It is a public safety issue.

Teddy Francisco

Three Points

Presidential candidates

What does it say about our country that the leading presidential candidate is a 78-year-old convict who has twice lost the popular vote? Can anybody truly be proud of this?

Robert Rees

Northwest side


Re: the July 30 article “Democracy or Republic?”

To the letter writer: A republic is type of democracy, it is a representative democracy. A democracy is when citizenry has the right (and I would say duty) to participate in free and fair elections. Democracies have eligibility conditions such as age and citizenship.

Kalvin Smith


French healthcare

Re: the July 30 letter “French health care.”

In response to the gentleman who had a bad experience in a hospital in Lyon, France: I’m sorry you had this experience. However, American hospital horror stories also abound. You suggested that I spend time in France. I have spent three months every year for the past 24 years there, traveling throughout France over eight years, and now have an apartment in Paris, where I spend six months per year.

In Paris, my friend was hospitalized with a possible head injury, after a fall —monitored throughout the day by several neurologists, CT scan — $150. Another time, she had a knee problem — went to a clinic, took a number, was seen by a doctor in 10 minutes, knee examined, ultrasound performed, treatment prescribed — cost $23. I had a cardiac MRI — immediate appointment, scan, 20-minute consultation with doctor, given a folder with enlarged images, two DVD’s, five-page report — $230. Pharmacist can prescribe for minor problems; cost minuscule for self-pay Americans.

The French healthcare system is accessible, affordable, and excellent.

Dr. Sandra Katz, M.D., J.D.


Legislation prohibiting mill dog sales needed

Re: the July 31 article “Pet shelters are at capacity, Legislature needs to help.”

Arizona is a humane backwater in prohibiting restrictions on puppy-mill sales and corrective legislation is long overdue! Current corrupt legislation was inserted by unscrupulous animal-dealer with civil/criminal convictions.

Massive numbers of Arizona adoptable animals are routinely euthanized with demoralized and exhausted shelter/rescue supporters. Suffering caused by mill and chronic backyard breeding is too numerous to detail here while draining public funds.

Too often wealthy national animal welfare orgs like ASPCA and Humane Societies’ use animals as disposable fundraising props for lavish executive salaries and gala donor events, instead of legislative lobbying and media campaigns to eliminate factory farms, requiring retailers of shelter/rescue dogs only like other states.

Best Friends solicits campaign donations for Craigslist to enforce its policy against commercial puppy listings of mill and chronic backyard breeders without results, collecting oodles of money without legislative results in Arizona either.

Donors and corporate sponsors should expect results, not lip-service from wealthy animal welfare orgs with bi-partisan public support for representatives prompt corrective legislation.

Candace Charvoz Frank

West side

Early voting?

I’m relieved. I thought I was going to have to vote this year. But according to Donald Trump that won’t be necessary, as he apparently has enough votes already. I guess early voting began earlier than I realized.

Gerry Maggiora



As an independent conservative I am very interested in politics, but I have a strong dislike for politicians in general. Only 26% of American adults have a favorable opinion of politicians.

I believe that all politicians lie at some time and when they don’t lie they exaggerate.

They misquote their opponents.

They vote themselves pay raises and fight efforts toward term limitations.

They are obsessed with reelection and focus most of their time on getting reelected

They have blind obedience to their party no matter the issue.

They spend millions on negative ads.

There is a proclivity for politicians to engage in blatantly unethical, self-destructive, behaviors.

They bend to whomever can donate most to their campaign and don’t follow through on campaign promises.

They label their opponents as racist, socialist, communist, Hitlerites, war criminals, whenever someone disagrees with them.

Most politicians are self-serving and have no common sense, no love of country, and no moral code.

Yes, I love politics, but have a disdain for politicians.

Tom McGorray

Northwest side

Judicial coup

Re: the Aug. 1 letter “Bracy’s ‘judicial coup’ lie.”

In response to an earlier article, the letter writer says the claim that McConnell’s refusal to hold hearings on Merrick Garland’s Supreme Court nomination amounted to a judicial coup, is a lie.

He then makes a big deal of McConnell’s rule change lowering the votes required to confirm a Supreme Court justice from 60 to 51, as if this was somehow relevant.

Since Garland never received a vote, the number of votes required for confirmation is irrelevant — not to mention the rule change came more than a year after Garland’s nomination.

McConnell cited a nonexistent “rule” barring consideration of a Supreme Court nomination in the last year of a Presidential term as justification for his refusal, yet he rammed through Amy Barrett’s confirmation just two weeks before the 2020 election with voting already underway.

A judicial coup? Absolutely!

Roger Voelker

Southeast side

Who are Trump’s vermin?

Re: the Aug. 1 article “Trump falsely questions Harris’ race.”

No revelation or eye-opener that Mr. Trump falsely questioned Vice President Harris’ race at the NABJ. He is and has always been a misogynist and racist: from his “no vacancies for Blacks” in the Wilshire Apartments with his father, to his birtherism conspiracies about President Obama, to his current vile, vulgar, and demeaning attacks on Black journalists, Black judges, and Black prosecutors.

Trump frequently calls his political opponents and minorities “vermin.” Vermin in our country are those individuals and media outlets who tolerate, allow, and embrace Mr. Trump’s racism and misogyny.

Kathy Krucker


Development of Quail Creek

This development is not only unnecessary, it is destructive. It is always the same scenario. A development that is not needed in an environment that will be forever destroyed.

KnoxAnn Armijo


Shout out to the “Stop the Steal” crowd

I want to send a big thank you to all the Republicans out there who have expressed their concern about Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic nominee for president. It warms my heart to hear that the party of Jan. 6, the Big Lie, the fake elector schemes, and “The election is only fair if I win” is now outraged at the idea that the will of Democratic voters isn’t being heard. Better late than never, right?

But let me reassure my MAGA friends that we voted for a Biden-Harris ticket and now that President Biden has stepped aside, the Democratic Party wholeheartedly supports VP Harris as our candidate.

Jennifer Larson

Northwest side

Democrats continue their threats to democracy

Democrats continue their threats to Democracy. They are the professionals at it, not amateurish Trump. From removing major candidates from ballots, to forcing a President not to run for re-election, to coronating a new Democratic nominee, to rioting in the streets. All threats to our democracy. Now you can add their attacks on the U.S. Supreme Court. Prior to their ruling on Roe v Wade, Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer stood on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court and threatened Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsuch saying “they would pay a price” if overturning it. Since then, President Biden and other Democratic politicians have called their rulings illegitimate. Now Democrats in Congress want to impose term limits on SCOTUS members and “stack the court” with at least four new left-wing Justices. You see, it is only SCOTUS that is standing in the way of Biden-Harris’ and Democrat politicians’ left-wing agenda being implemented. They could care less about “democracy” and are the real threat to it.

Dorothy Monroe

Sierra Vista

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Tucson Speaks Out: Aug. 4 letters of the day (2025)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6738

Rating: 4 / 5 (51 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.