Topics in Local Anesthetics (2025)

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.6 LOCAL ANESTHETICS DrTiu Balinas converted

jian quingco

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Local Anesthetics

Gerry Oxford

Anesthesiology, 2009

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Local Anesthetics – Substances with Multiple Application in Medicine

European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies

Local anesthetics are substances which, by local action groups on the runners, cause loss of reversible a painful sensation, delimited corresponding to the application. They allow small surgery, short in duration and the endoscopic maneuvers. May be useful in soothe teething pain of short duration and in the locking of the nervous disorders in medical care. Local anesthesia is a process useful for the carrying out of surgery and of endoscopic maneuvers, to soothe teething pain in certain conditions, for depriving the temporary structures peripheral nervous control. Reversible locking of the transmission nociceptive, the set of the vegetative and with a local anesthetic at the level of the innervations peripheral nerve, roots and runners, a trunk nervous, around the components of a ganglion or coolant is cefalorahidian practice anesthesia loco-regional. Local anesthetics summary and semi-summary have multiple applications in dentistry, consulting, surgery and obstetrics, constituting...

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Zeru Melie

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Lidocaine: The Origin of a Modern Local Anesthetic

Torsten Gordh

Anesthesiology, 2010

Before the introduction of lidocaine, the choice of local anesthetics was limited. Procaine was most commonly used and offered less toxicity than cocaine, but it had a short duration of action. Tetracaine had substantial systemic toxicity, limiting its use largely to spinal anesthesia. An agent with low toxicity, a quick onset, and a longer duration of action was needed. This article reports the initial clinical trials with the newly synthesized lidocaine. The first trials were wheal tests on the forearms of human volunteers. Lidocaine anesthesia duration was markedly longer than that produced by procaine. Lidocaine was first tested for infiltration anesthesia in many short procedures performed in the emergency department, followed by major procedures, including those for goiter and hernia in the operating room. Consistent success was observed in both environments. Lidocaine was then tested for conduction anesthesia using brachial plexus and mandibular, sacral, and paravertebral blocks. Its onset was again substantially faster and longer lasting than that of procaine. Lidocaine also provided good spinal and surface anesthesia of the cornea. T HIS article is based mainly on an interview with Torsten

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CLINICAL USE OF LOCAL ANESTHETICS Edited by Asadolah Saadatniaki

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Formulações de Anestésicos Locais de Liberação Controlada: Aplicações Terapêuticas * Drug-Delivery Systems for Local Anesthetics: Therapeutic Applications

Gabi Ribeiro

Araújo DR, Pinto LMA, Braga AFA, Paula E -Formulações de Anestésicos Locais de Liberação Controlada: Aplicações Terapêuticas JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: O desenvolvimento de sistemas de liberação controlada tem sido alvo de pesquisas há pelo menos quatro décadas. Desde que foi sugerida sua aplicação na indústria farmacêutica, muitos resultados foram obtidos, especialmente na manipulação molecular de carreadores e no estudo de suas interações com as drogas encapsuladas. Esses novos carreadores têm a vantagem de contornar propriedades físico-químicas limitantes (como a solubilidade aquosa ou em membranas) das drogas encapsuladas, melhorando assim a farmacodinâmica (potencialização do efeito terapêutico), farmacocinética (controle da absorção e distribuição tecidual) e os efeitos toxicológicos (redução da toxicidade local e sistêmica) das mesmas. Entre os principais carreadores, destacam-se os lipossomas e as ciclodextrinas, que vêm trazendo inúmeras vantagens no desenvolvimento de formulações para liberação controlada de anestésicos locais. Este trabalho de revisão objetiva descrever a interação de anestésicos locais com lipossomas ou ciclodextrinas, o desenvolvimento das pesquisas básica e clínica nessa área, além da aplicabilidade terapêutica dessas formulações. CONTEÚDO: Lipossomas têm a capacidade de veicular drogas em órgãos-alvo, disponibilizando apenas uma fraçãoliberação controlada -para o sítio de ação. Já as ciclodextrinas alteram a intensidade e a duração do efeitos das drogas através da baixa absorção sistêmica do complexo. Pesquisas básicas e clínicas apontam como vantagens do uso de anestésicos locais encapsulados em lipossomas ou complexados com ciclodextrinas a liberação lenta da droga que prolonga a duração da anestesia e reduz a toxicidade para os sistemas cardiovascular e nervoso central.

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Current research in local anesthesia

Banana nana

Anesthesia progress

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Local Anaesthetic Systemic Toxicity

Mark Hellaby

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Comprehensive Review on Structural Elucidation of Local Anesthetic and It's Adverse Effects

soumallya chakraborty

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2023

Drugs that are classified as local anesthetics abolish the conduction of nerve impulse in afferent and efferent nerve fibers. So that any signal or stimulus are not transmitted effectively to the brain, so motor signal is not transmitted effectively to other effector organ such as muscles. Acute or Chronic pain or sensation of pain during procedures can be prevented by applying local anesthetics. Understanding about our Physiological nerve fiber and transmission of pain sensation is very much important for mechanism of action of local anesthetic. Mainly, Local anesthetics involved with nerve ending or surrounding nerve trunk and combined with the sodium ion (Na+) channel sites on the nerve membrane. They affect membrane action potential as well as depolarizing state by reducing Na+ passage through the sodium ion channel, though blocking both generation and conduction of nerve impulse. In the same way blocking both generation and conduction of sensory nerve impulse. Local anesthetics used for dental surgery; post operation pain remove. Here, we focused on review of research progress on local anesthetics, various aspect of mechanism of action, design, synthesis route, adverse or toxicological effect of new molecules (Local anesthetic).

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Topics in Local Anesthetics (2025)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.