No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (2024)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (1)

Expedition 7: The Leviathan walkthrough

All expeditions are the small stories, with it’s own start and end, and limited in time.

All achievements from expeditions will be available in all saves on your account. So you can play main game, then step aside to play expedition, then return to main game with new achievements (or play Expedition-based story – it will be converted to Survival mode after the end). All Phase rewards can be redeemed across all save games from the Space Anomaly’s Quicksilver Synthesis Companion

To start an expedition you need click “Play game” – select empty save slot “New game” – Select “Community expedition”

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (2)


0) Do not DIE on later stages – you will lose ALL progress (except community missions).

1) After you complete any mission open Expedition screen and click on this mission again to obtain mission rewards.

2) Some equipment (related to Polo’s Community missions) received from mission bonuses and lost with death can be collected again on Expedition screen.

3) Expeditions usually have some limited functionality. This one has higher prices for upgrades – you will get all needed upgrades during missions. However, on trading posts on the planets you can purchase initial upgrades for non-increased price (maybe it’s a bug, but it’s good).

4) I strongly advise to build a base on every planet with Anchor Point. Bases will not be erased on death, so you will save a lot of time traveling on later stages of the game. Portals on stations and Space Anomaly allow to teleport to your base, even if it has no Portal itself. Minotaur exocraft pad is also musthave on each base, especially on AP4 – for collecting Storm Crystals.

Feel free to add comments – I will update this manual accordingly.

Mission 1 – Remembrance

Open your inventory and use “Memory Fragment” – it will give you protective upgrade. Use this upgrade to get Heat Protection upgrade. As a reward you will get Weapon upgrade.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (3)

Mission 2 – The New Beginning

Locate your starship.

Open Visor (“F” key) and find starship icon. Hold “E” to tag it and run to it.


You can recharge your Hazard Protection and Life Support via “X” key menu – Recharge Equipment.

For Life Support recharge you will need to mine some Di-hydrogen and Carbon to craft “Life Suport Gel”.

I also advise to mine Di-hydrogen and Carbon to fix Terrain Manipulator – this will allow you to dig a shelter caves for crafting/rest.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (4)

Mission 3 – Observing The Cycle

Repair your starship. To do it, you first need to obtain blueprints of Hermetic Seal from mission 4. So just step away from the ship and die. Next iteration will be more merciful.

After repairing ship – fly in to space and with “X” key menu summon Space Anomaly. Land to it and speak with Polo.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (5)

For this mission you will get Solar Ray blueprints – you will need this for Liquid Sun mining.

Mission 4 – Iterate / Repeat

Die. Just die.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (6)

Mission 5 – Bounds Testing

Help Polo to get proper components by completing any of the related Secondary Missions (you can complete this missions several times. You need to complete missions below 5 times to close Iteration 5-Mission 3):

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (7)

Loop Research – Liquid Sun – Create Solar Ray gun and use it to mine ore deposits on the planet to collect Liquid Sun.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (8)

Loop Research – Ancestral Memories– create some Creature Pellets and feed animals on the planet. Collect Ancestral Memories from friendly creatures.

Note: During this mission you can fed agressive animal and adopt it as a companion, finishing Iteration2-Mission 5

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No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (10)

Loop Research – Somnal Dust – find Somnal Dust on abandoned Derelict Freighter in the space. You will get Emergency Broadcast Receiver as a reward for the main mission.

Note: for mission 7 collect 40 Gold in the space, 16 Ancestral Memories and 40 Chromatic Metal to be able to buld Memory Resonator (AP1 planet has no land creatures to milk for Ancestral Memories)

Mission 6 – Anchor Point 1

Reach the first anchor point in Cebrak-Eliwyn system. Jump to the system, follow the mission’s marker. Land and use scaner “F” key in Target Sweep mode to find the end point.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (11)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (12)

Mission 7 – Wake The Past

Construct the Memory Resonator – you will get it’s blueprints for completition of the first Anchor point. You need to be on Anchor Point 1 planet Ennect to use it. Open your inventory and craft Memory Resonator in free slot. Then use the Memory Resonator. Fly to appeared Loop Memory Hotspot area. Land and use scaner (“F” key) in Target Sweep mode to find a memory obelisk. Read the story. After the end of the memory you will be immediately attacked by 5 Biological Horrors. Survive and kill them (or wait until they disappear).

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (13)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (14)

Collect Iteration Bonuses.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (15)

Mission 8 – Cycle Observed

Complete the first universal loop

This is a community mission – keep bringing Polo components for Loop Research (Mission 5) to proceed.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (16)

Mission 1 – Anchor Point 2

Reach the second Anchor point.

Fly to Romestovot system and follow the mission marker. Land and use scaner “F” key in Target Sweep mode to find the end point.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (17)

Mission 2 – To Crave The Stars

Use the Memory Resonator in your inventory and follow the route (the same way as with Anchor point) to find the fallen traveler obelisk.

Note: You can switch scaner mode between 1 and 3 to easier find Traveler’s grave.

Claim the memory and survive the attack of 4 Corrupted Sentinels (easy).

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (18)

Mission 3 – The Anchor

Establish a base on the infested world. Nearest one is Mabhkyam planet in Kisovoro system on the way to Anchor Point 2, or Alecapae Beta in Anchor Point 2 system Romestovot.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (19)

Land on planet, open bulid menu with “Z” key, build a base computer and claim a land.Then build a base (it must be big enough to pass limit, at least 4×4 with walls and roof).

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (20)

Mission 4 – Universal language

Learn 3 words in each language – Learn words from the obelisks, or just speak with different nations on space stations and learn 3 words from each nation.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (21)

Mission 5 – Atonement

Create some Creature Pellets in your inventory, and feed agressive animals on the planet. You can just throw pellets on the ground with “X” key – “Creatures” menu. After that talk with the animal and Adopt it as a companion. You can find agressive animals on the planet Christole Oich in Rowland-Desk system (start system).

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (22)

Mission 6 – Fallen Giants

Purchase several “Emergency Cartographic Data” charts from cartographer on a space station (you need Navigational Data to purchase them). Use them until you find Freighter Crash Site. Land and speak with Freighter’s Terminal.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (23)


1) You can also find broken ship encounters or Abandoned buildings (with Whispering eggs for Iteration3-Mission3), so you may need several charts and several tries to find a Freighter.

2) DO NOT use charts on infested planets or in space – you will always get Abandoned Building. Fly to other planet, for example Uzuk 21/F6, land and use charts there:

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (24)

3) You can get Navigational Data by practice language skills with different aliens.You can try several times with the same alien, trying different words. Other way – fly over planet, land on encounters and use save beacon – charting nknown sector will give you Navigational Data.

4) If you have Minotaur exocraft with radar array, you can use this radar to find crash sites without any maps (you may get radar as a memory fragment for Iteration4-Mission5).

Mission 7 – Perpetuity

Optional community mission. Complete Polo’s Loop Missions to complete Tier 2.

Mission 1 – Anchor point 3

Fly to the system Iffanymo III and follow the mission marker. Land and use scaner “F” key in Target Sweep mode to find the end point.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (25)

Mission 2 – Obsession

Use the Memory Resonator in your inventory and follow the route (the same way as with Anchor point) to find the fallen traveler obelisk. Listen the story and claim memory.

I was not attacked by anyone after the claim.

For this mission you get Memory Fragment blueprint.

Note: You can switch scaner mode between 1 and 3 to easier find Traveler’s grave.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (26)

Mission 3 – Call Of The Void

On any Infested planet use scaner (“F” key) to find 10 Whispering Eggs, break them and collect 10 Larva Cores.

After breaking of the whispering egg you will be attacked by monstrosities, so flee and survive.

Do not use (or use with extreme caution) exocraft Minotaur during this hunt – it has a huge delay when you enter it, so monsters can kill you.

If you are stuck on this mission, then one of the possible tactics: find Abandoned Building with egg nests around it, separate nests from each other by land walls (use Terrain Manipulator), then hit egg on one side, and fly to another side and quickly collect eggs there.

Slower way – claim a base near it and create corridor around building – after hiting an egg, most of monstrosites will appear outside the building. Kiil those who appear inside and collect eggs without issues.

Larva cores can be processed in to nanites.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (27)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (28)

Mission 4 – Calcified Echoes

Collect Storm Crystals on High-Temperature planets during storms while they are glowing. You will need Hazard Gloves to collect them (can be purchased on Space Anomaly, or recieved from self-crafter Memory Fragments – next mission).

The first system where I met Storm Crystals was Christor-Olex XIII, Planet Haumeadl M26 – the planet of Anchor Point 4. So follow there and after claiming Achor and Memory – wait for storm and collect Storm Crystals.

If you have Minotaur exocraft – you can collect crystals from it, without exiting.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (29)

Mission 5 -Self Improvement

Open inventory ans craft your own Memory Fragment (you will get a blueprint for Mission 2 in this iteration).

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (30)

Mission 6 – Taking It With You

Sell something to get 1kk units. For example you can dig for Ancient Bones on the start planet, or milk creatures for Ancestral Memory and sell it.

And you can just pass – for mission in next iteration “Smugle Black Market goods” you will receive trade goods for about 7kk, so it will close both this mission and all your money problems until the expedition end.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (31)

Mission 7 – Recursion

Community mission. Complete Tier 3 of Polo’s research by completing Loop Missions.

Mission 1 – Anchor Point 4

System Christor-Olex XIII, Planet Haumeadl M26 – follow the mission marker. Land and use scaner “F” key in Target Sweep mode to find the end point.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (32)

Mission 2 – Monomania

Use the Memory Resonator in your inventory and follow the route (the same way as with Anchor point) to find the fallen traveler obelisk. Not easy because of the agressive sentinels – you can not land if you under attack.

Listen the story and claim memory. No attack after claiming memory


1) You can switch scaner mode between 1 and 3 to easier find Traveler’s grave and mark it.

2) You can shut down sentinels by completing missions 5 and 4.

Mission 3 – Hot Pursuit

Smugle Black Market goods. Visit an Outlaw system to purchase Illegal Black Market Goods, and sell them in Trade Terminal on space station of a normal system. You will need to buy/sell for at least 500k units.

To find Outlaw system visit Space Anomaly, purchase and install Economy or Conflict Scaner on you spaceship – this will allow you to see pirates systems on galaxy map – for Economy scaner there will be a small skull near economy type (black market), for Conflict scaner – big skull (Pirate controlled). I guess with Conflict scaner it may be easier to find outlaw system.

As an example:

Toympiae III – on the way from the start to AP1

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (33)

Ozmozd system not far from AP4.

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No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (35)

Mission 4 – Banished Glass

Shut down a Sentinel’s planet force. According to mission description, this can be done by killing all waves of sentinels, or by hacking Sentinel Pillar.

Sentinel Pillar can befound manually (not easy), or by activating Sentinel Boundary Map. This map can randomly drops from sentinels, or can be obtained as a reward for next mission.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (36)

Mission 5 – Pugneum Dreams

Kill 20 Sentinels

As reward for this mision you will get Sentinel Boundary Map – chart with coordinates of Sentinel Pillar for previous mission.

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Mission 6 – Cluster Horde

Earn 2000 nanites. You can find them on planets, or sell some useless Upgrade Modules

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (38)

Mission 7 – A Way Out?

Community mission. Complete Tier 4 of Polo’s research by completing Loop Missions.

Mission 1 – Anchor Point 5

System Sophis, Planet Kaok 84/O4 – follow the mission marker. Land and use scaner “F” key in Target Sweep mode to find the end point.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (39)

Mission 2 – Another Chance

Use the Memory Resonator in your inventory and follow the route (the same way as with Anchor point) to find the fallen traveler obelisk. Not easy because of the agressive sentinels – you can not land if you under attack.

Listen the story and claim memory. No attack after claiming memory


1) You can switch scaner mode between 1 and 3 to easier find Traveler’s grave and mark it.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (40)

Mission 3 – Partners In Time

Complete any Loop Mission for Polo.

Mission 4 – A Shattered Past

Your task is to get Whalesong Fluite Plans.

Fly to the open space and activate the Pulse Drive (“Space” key). Fly until you found anomaly. Stop, and you will see ancient Derelict Freighter. Investigate it.

1) Ensure you have good Cold Protection upgrades before running this mission, 50-100 Ion Batteries and Life Support Gels, and collect some meat chunks from animals to restore health.

2) Activate Heating Units whenever you see them to keep warm.

3) In this mission Freighter will be filled with hostile Automatic Turrets, so be careful and DO NOT DIE! You can avoid turrets – do not get caught in it’s scanning ray. Retreat if your shield is down and wait near Heating Unit about 30 seconds to restore shields. Destroying turrets gives you nothing.

4) Collect data from terminals and datapads.

5) Use Scaner (“C” key) to highlight valuables.

6) Destroy Festering Pustule nodes to collect Somnial Dust for Polo’s Loop Missions.

7) Be careful with Unstable Canisters – destroy them from safe range if possinle (or turrets can blow them up near you).

You must find Whalesong Fluite Plans on the last engenerring terminal.

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No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (42)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (43)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (44)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (45)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (46)

Collect rewards to start next mission.

Mission 5 – The Siren

Collect 32 units of Somnal Dust (you will have it from Freighter), 32 Liquid Sun (use Sun Ray gun on deposit on planet), and 32 Ancestral Memories (milk creatures on planets).

Create Whalesong Fluite in your inventory.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (47)

Mission 6 – LEVIATHAN

Fly in to the open space, call the Leviathan using the Whalesong Fluite, talk with him.

End the loop.

Start the game again. Collect your rewards.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (48)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (49)

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (50)

Mission 7 – Unbound

Community mission – complete Loop Missions for Polo to close Tier 5

After you complete all missions, you can save game, exit and proceed your normal mode game. Visit Quicksilver Synthesis Companion on Space Anomaly to get unlocked rewards.

No Man's Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough (51)

Description says it will convert your save and you can play normally in the current game, but all the prices are still high, and most of equipment locked, so i suggest to return to normal game. Maybe it will be done correctly after expedition time out.

Thank you for your attention, and i highly appreciate any rewards and comments – what do you want to see in next expeditions guides!

Written by windessy

Hope you enjoy the Guide about No Man’s Sky – Leviathan Expedition Walkthrough, if you think we should add extra information or forget something, please let us know via comment below, and we will do our best to fix or update as soon as possible!

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