Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)

Home Sweet Home

1337 AE
Janthir Wilds
Home Sweet Home
Lowland Shore
Preceded by
Diplomacy and Discovery
Followed by
Missing in Action

Home Sweet Home is the third chapter of the Janthir Wilds story.


  • 1 Objectives
  • 2 Rewards
  • 3 Walkthrough
    • 3.1 Achievements
  • 4 NPCs
    • 4.1 Allies
  • 5 Dialogue
    • 5.1 In the Homestead Instance
    • 5.2 In Lowland Shore
    • 5.3 Back in the homestead
  • 6 My story
  • 7 Notes


Tend to the homestead.
  • Meet with Stoic Alder at Hearth's Glow, the old, overgrown homestead.
  • Walk with Stoic Alder.
  • Take a look around inside.
  • Investigate the glinting object in the corner.
  • Show the keepsake you found to Stoic Alder.
  • Accept Stoic Alder's generous gift.
  • Tidy the house and shoo away the critters living inside: x/8
  • Clear the overgrowth and rubble in the garden: x/8
  • Destroy crop pests and haul boulders from the farm field to the quarry: x/8
  • Remove debris from the river and repair broken fishing traps: x/8
  • Speak with Stoic Alder for advice on personalizing your new homestead.
Learn crafting skills.
  • Seek out Deft Lahar for knowledge about crafting homestead decorations.
  • Use Your Warclaw to Topple Trees and Collect Lumber
    Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (1)
  • Inform Deft Lahar of your contribution to local kodan homesteading efforts.
  • Speak to Patient Willow about adding a special cultural touch.
Decorate your new home.
  • Return to your homestead with materials for making a Traditional Kodan Bed.
  • (Optional) Ask Deft Lahar for assistance with obtaining the materials.
  • Process wood materials into refined homestead wood at the lumber mill. (If you already have a bed placed by a character on your account, this step will be skipped.)
  • Craft a traditional kodan bed at the handiwork workbench. (If you already have a bed placed by a character on your account, this step will be skipped.)
  • Place the bed upstairs in the loft of the homestead.
  • Accompany Stoic Alder and Poised Arrow upstairs to discuss your handiwork.
  • Speak with Stoic Alder about further homesteading opportunities.
  • Greet Fading Aurora.
  • Complete!


First time
  • Bag of Loot (5)
  • Janthiri Gear Box
  • Tale of Adventure
  • Tale of Adventure (5)


Section-stub. This key section of the article is incomplete. You can help the Guild Wars 2 Wiki by expanding it.
Reason: Rudimentary walkthrough, may require an expansion.

Tend to the homestead.

Start the instance from just north of Harvest Shore Waypoint.

Speak with Stoic Alder and enter the largest building, then take the stairs up to speak with Poised Arrow. Uncover the dirt pile next to him to get an object to show to Alder.

For the renovation, eight objects need to be removed from each of the four areas to tidy them up:

  • In the house: removed wasps and the damage they've caused, scare away rats and dust mites, and remove cobwebs and dust piles.
  • In the garden: destroy bushes and remove rubble, weeds, brambles, and mushrooms.
  • In the fields: pull up and kill grubs, destroy termite mounds and kill their inhabitants, and move boulders to the quarry to the southeast.
  • In the river: fix fishing traps, destroy sunken debris, and remove the floating debris and the drakes hiding under it.

With the rough cleanup complete, speak to Alder once more and leave the instance.

Learn crafting skills.

Speak to Deft Lahar at Deft Lahar's Abode. Mount up and use the third Warclaw skill, Chain Pull, to pull down 6 Young Fir Trees (done by using the skill and then keeping the Warclaw 3-4 body lengths away until the counter for Topple Tree is reduced to 0, before collecting the fallen tree). These trees are found next to the Deft Lahar's Abode, as well as to the south and to the northwest of it.

Return to Deft Lahar and Patient Willow, outside and inside of the Abode respectively, to learn the bed recipe for the next instance.

Make sure to have gathered 30 Refined Homestead Wood, 20 Wool Scraps, and 10 Honey Flowers before entering the next instance. The former can be traded for with various logs at the Homestead Refinement-Lumber Mill in the southeast corner of the next instance, while the former two can be bough on the Black Lion Trading Post or salvaged from various cloth items (Wool) or gathered around Lowland Shore (Flowers).

Decorate your new home.

NOTE: IF there's already a Traditional Kodan Bed placed in the Homestead in the loft the requirement to make and place a bed will be automatically completed, making it unnecessary to make another bed.
WARNING: This instance cannot be exited from manually if not enough materials have been gathered prior to entering it, and can then only be exited from by going to the character select screen.

Enter the instance north of Harvest Shore Waypoint after having gathered the previously mentioned materials, and use the gathered materials to make a Traditional Kodan Bed at the Handiwork Workbench to the northeast. Place the Bed anywhere upstairs in the main house after entering decoration mode with "L" and then speak with the two bears. Speak with Fading Aurora after she appears to finish the instance.


Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (10) Home Sweet HomeJanthir Wilds: Act 11 1
Establish a home.Journal: Home Sweet Home
  • Tier
1:Large Stash of Ursus Obliges
  • Tier
1:Chest of Homestead Starter Goods
Completed Home Sweet Home1
  • Complete the mission.
Penned by PokyJanthir Wilds: Act 11
Read the story that Poised Arrow wrote as cub.Journal: Home Sweet HomeRead Poky's Story1
  • During the first, rough renovation of the homestead, find a set of stairs going down beneath the stairs to the second floor. Down in the cellar, find and read the book "The Cottage That Ran Away by Poised Arrow, "Poky"".
Returning KindnessJanthir Wilds: Act 11
Bring a gift of wildflower cyser to Deft Lahar and Patient Willow for their help in making a house a home.Journal: Home Sweet HomeGave a Thank-You Gift to Har and Willow1
  • Give a Jug of Wildflower Cyser, bought from the merchant Wistful Dove found near Sleuth Brawlfields in Harvest Den, to either bear.
    • Only sold after completing the mission.
    • This can be done in the Deft Lahar's Abode area after completing the renovation instance.
Harvesting InformationJanthir Wilds: Act 11
Listen to the intel Caithe and Malice gathered in Harvest Den.Journal: Home Sweet HomeListened to the Intel Caithe and Malice Gathered in Harvest Den1
  • After Fading Aurora appears but before leaving the final instance,, speak with Caithe and Malice outside before you exit the instance and fully finish the mission.
    • The convenient way is to simply finish the instance and then speak with the duo BEFORE actually leaving the instance.


Malice Swordshadow and Caithe cannot be spoken to as long as Fading Aurora is speaking.



  • Malice Swordshadow
  • Deft Lahar
  • Fading Aurora
  • Patient Willow
  • Poised Arrow
  • Stoic Alder
  • Caithe


In the Homestead Instance[edit]

Speaking with Stoic Alder:

Stoic Alder: Ah, Wayfinder. Your punctuality is appreciated.
<Character Name>: Sorry I'm late. The Astral Ward called me to check in on something.
Stoic Alder: A busy figure, you must be. Don't worry. Poky tells me of the positive impression you've made in town.
Stoic Alder: He may seem adrift in his own world, but he's a keen observer. Takes after me in that regard.
Stoic Alder: As you've proven rather neighborly, I've an offer to extend...
Stoic Alder: This property on which you stand belongs to my family. In recent years, it's become...unsuited to our needs.
Stoic Alder: Rather than leave it in disrepair, I thought it might serve as a convenient home base during your stay.
Stoic Alder: All I ask in return is that you tend to it. Admittedly, I've neglected my domestic responsibilites...
Stoic Alder: Graciously, Poky has tried to care for it on my behalf, but his pace of work has always been...unhurried.
Stoic Alder: Afraid he gets that from me as well. Have a look around, then? See if the place suits you.

Entering the main building:

Poised Arrow: (hums)

Talking to Poised Arrow:

Poised Arrow: Ah, the wayfinder arrives! Bet this is a change from your typical to-dos...
Poised Arrow: One minute, waging battle...the next, relegated to chores. Quite fortunate for us, though.
Poised Arrow: This place has seen a lot. And so have we...
Poised Arrow: Been intending to ask my friends for a hand with all this but...a riveting offer it is not.
Poised Arrow: "Sparring? Nah! Come help Poky dust! That's where the true fun resides!"
Poised Arrow: Sometimes I sneak up here, try to get a little done myself. But...take my time with things, I do. Heh.
Poised Arrow: Every so often I'll fall into a swift pace, but then...come across some remaining trinket of my mother's, and...
Poised Arrow: ...Well, I understand why my paw'd rather keep his distance from this place.

Showing Stoic Alder the found keepsake:

Stoic Alder: You found this...here?
Stoic Alder: Hmm.
Stoic Alder: This place...is no longer home to me. But perhaps it can be for you.
Stoic Alder: I have no need for it any longer, and I am certain it has none for me.
Stoic Alder
Well, what do you say?
I'd be honored to look after this place, Stoic Alder. (Ends conversation)
Your mate would be happy to see this place in all its glory. I accept. (Ends conversation)
You bet your furry behind I'll take this homestead. (Ends conversation)
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (26) I don't know what to say. I need a minute.
Stoic Alder: An explanation is...not owed. But it has been earned.
Stoic Alder: This I made long ago for my mate. Silken Weir was her name. A small gift for bringing our little arrow into the world.
Stoic Alder: As a cub, our son would paw at it in play when she held him. One such occasion, I overheard her tell him...
Stoic Alder: "One day, when you've grown strong and wise like your paw, I'll make you this arrow's keeper."
Stoic Alder: "Then soar you shall, poised and unwavering, on a path of your own making."
Stoic Alder: All these years, still she makes me laugh. "Like your paw." When forever it's been clear...
Stoic Alder: The "arrow" of our lives, who I see more of in our son every day...was her.
Stoic Alder: Then...Jormag came and went. And so did she...
Stoic Alder: Sentimental as I am, I thought she wore this piece off to battle. But clearly, now, I see why she left it...
Stoic Alder: For no matter what fate would befall her, her promise to our son she'd keep. That, she made sure of.
Stoic Alder: When my son finds himself sickened by grief, I tell him, "Allow the feeling. Let it wash over you."
Stoic Alder: "For when the tide recedes—and it will—it weakens. 'Til it has no power left with which to pull you."
Stoic Alder: I tell him this while I stand ashore, with my own back turned to the sea.

When cleaning up areas around the homestead:

Poised Arrow: Nearly finished...
Poised Arrow: Just a second more...
Poised Arrow: With you in merely a moment...
Poised Arrow: Almost done...

Talking to Stoic Alder after cleaning up the homestead:

Stoic Alder: Shaping up quite nicely. Though a bit of decoration would give it a true feeling of home.
Stoic Alder: You'd be wise to speak with Deft Lahar, our homestead master. Decoration is one of the lowlands' finest traditions.
Stoic Alder: Quite fond of it myself. I'll be happy to provide suggestions. Been told I have an eye for this sort of thing.

In Lowland Shore[edit]

Speaking to Deft Lahar:

Deft Lahar: Hrum? Yeah?
<Character Name>: Your leader sent me. I'm fixing up and old home of his—
Deft Lahar: So Auld's finally doing something about that place? Hrum... And you're helping?
If asura:
Deft Lahar: Told him a thousand times I'd help! But no, rather trust some furless rat!
If charr:
Deft Lahar: Told him a thousand times I'd help! But no, rather trust some horn-headed feline!
If sylvari:
Deft Lahar: Told him a thousand times I'd help! But no, rather trust some sentient bush!
If human:
Deft Lahar: Told him a thousand times I'd help! But no, rather trust some scrawny flesh bag!
If norn:
Deft Lahar: Told him a thousand times I'd help! But no, rather trust some half-witted meat slab!
Deft Lahar: Well, tough! Every homesteader in town needs materials for their pet projects.
Patient Willow: Who's there?
Deft Lahar: No one!
Patient Willow: Talking to someone, you are! My ears are far sharper than yours!
Deft Lahar: No one worth the bother...

Speaking to Deft Lahar after collecting lumber:

Deft Lahar: Hrum? You...did all that? ...That fast?
Deft Lahar: Got work ethic, that I'll give you. What are you fixing to craft, exactly?
<Character Name>: Well, the place could use...pretty much everything.
Deft Lahar: That bad, hrum? Start with the basics, then. How 'bout...
Deft Lahar: A bed! Simple, practicle, and if you screw it up, won't have far to fall when the thing collapses!
Deft Lahar: Now, I can give you instructions, but I can't build the damn thing for ya. 'Tis the beauty of crafting.
Deft Lahar: So try your hand. You get stuck, do like us lowland: look around. No better builder than nature.
Deft Lahar: Shapes, angles, patterns. All intentional, all ripe with purpose.
Deft Lahar: Take birds' nests—don't see the birds sleeping on slats of wood, hrum? So you might wanna follow suit.
Deft Lahar: Lucky for you, best weaver in the town is right behind me.
Deft Lahar: I'd still deem her best even if she weren't right behind me.
Patient Willow: Wouldn't bet my last bit of thread on it.

Talking to Patient Willow:

Patient Willow: Hear your bed's a bit bare. Nothing to fret over. There's plenty of patterns a novice could weave well enough.
Patient Willow: Know what you're thinking: "How could such unwieldly paws weave so delicate a pattern?"
Patient Willow: The trick is in the tips of the claws! Perfect for detailed work. Sometimes fine things come from places overlooked, hm?
Patient Willow: Now, let's see... Perhaps... Oooh, I know just the one! Used in many a tradition—consummation of mates, coming of age...
Patient Willow: Symbolizes new beginnings. Yes, shall do right by you both.
Patient Willow: Best make haste now. Auld will be waiting on you. Wish him well for me.
Deft Lahar: And tell him he's hardheaded as they come about asking for help. But good on him for finally letting some light in.
Optional dialogue with Deft Lahar
Hrum? What do you need?
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (27) What materials do I need to gather to craft this bed?
You'll need a good amount of wood for this kind of project. But if you use higher-quality logs, it won't take as many to refine what you need.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (28) How do I refine wood?
You can refine wood and other materials at your homestead. You've done good work here, though. Here's a few to get you started, as thanks.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (29) That's very generous of you. What else do I need?
Some wool for the padding and blankets. And honey flower are a key component of the traditional dying process Willow taught you.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (30) Where can I find honey flowers?
They grow wild throughout the delta. Keep an eye out; I'm sure you'll have enough gathered in no time.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (31) Thank you!
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (32) Thank you!
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (33) Thank you!
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (34) Noted. Thank you.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (35) Never mind.

Back in the homestead[edit]

Approaching Stoic Alder:

Stoic Alder: Hopefully Har was receptive to your interest in his craft? Or at least tolerant?
<Character Name>: He was glad to hear you're getting the place in order.

After placing your bed:

Stoic Alder: I...have not seen this pattern in some time.
Stoic Alder: You met Willow as well, then.
Stoic Alder: Poky...does that blanket look familiar?
Poised Arrow: We...had one, yes? On your bed. You...and Maw. Forgot all about that...
Stoic Alder: A gift from a dear friend. For two young lovers embarking upon a life together. Hm...
Stoic Alder: Funny how life can sprout anew from seeds long buried.

Speaking with Stoic Alder:

Stoic Alder: A fitting choice, Wayfinder. One of many to come, I'm sure.
Stoic Alder: As you continue making this place yours, my only request is that you keep our village close to heart.
Stoic Alder: Any additions—mines, farms, lumber mills, and the like—can be of greater good to your community.
Stoic Alder: May your new beginning here serve you well.
Poised Arrow: Remember nestling my way between you and Maw for warmth. Heh, imagine me trying that now.
Stoic Alder: You've grown so much, we'd scarce have space to sneeze.

Greeting Fading Aurora:

Fading Aurora: Thought you'd still be here. I'm interrupting...
Stoic Alder: No. Just...saying our good-byes. Rude it is to overstay in another's home.
Fading Aurora: Indeed. Wayfinder, you can really pull a place together.
Poised Arrow: Bit envious myself.
Fading Aurora: I came to pass along a message from Barbed Vale. She requests your presence at the hunting outpost, a bit west of here.
<Character Name>: What does she need?
Fading Aurora: Believe it has to do with the journeykin. She'll provide you the details.
<Character Name>: Alder. Poky. Take whatever time here you need. My home is always open to you.
Poised Arrow: Already the wayfinder makes for a better neighbor than those obnoxious trolls.
Fading Aurora: Is this...the gift Willow made?
Stoic Alder: Near identical. Seems she taught the pattern to the wayfinder. Sharp as her weaving claws, that one.
Stoic Alder: I buried the original when it became clear that...its symbolism was no longer appropriate
Fading Aurora: I... I'm sorry.
Stoic Alder: Perhaps that's not entirely accurate. Truthfully, a new beginning is precisely what I need...
Stoic Alder: I'm getting too old for this.
Fading Aurora: I know exactly what you mean.
Stoic Alder: At the very least, I do owe Har and Willow a visit. Maybe Willow could weave me some new pattern.
Fading Aurora: Any ideas?
Stoic Alder: Perhaps we could ponder it together.
Poised Arrow: Hm?
Fading Aurora: Oh, I'm sure we can figure something out.
Optional conversation with Caithe and Malice
Malice Swordshadow: Hey, Commander. Fading Aurora had news for you, so we thought we'd tag along.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (36) How's reconnaissance going?
Malice Swordshadow: Was going to ask you the same thing, but you've secured us a new base of operations!
Malice Swordshadow: Screw dragon hunting and world saving, you were destined for diplomacy.
Caithe: No kidding. Could use a little love and more greenery, but...I mustn't be picky. It's lovely.
Caithe: And things are going well, actually. While you've bonded with the Claw and his son, we've been getting to know the village.
Malice Swordshadow: Caithe is good at kissing babies and letting the kodan coo at her foliage. I've collected more intel on their situation.
Malice Swordshadow: Remember those "strangers" that Poised Arrow mentioned? They're the talk of the town.
Caithe: The cub's instructor did warn the little ones away from the woods... In the moment, I thought it was a standard warning.
Malice Swordshadow: People are being cautious, that much is clear. I'll see what else I can gather.
Caithe: Now, now, Imperator, don't look so pleased with yourself. Trailing our hosts? Shame.
Malice Swordshadow: Hey, I'd do the same to you. Trust is a two-way street. If we're eating their food, I want to see what it's made of.
Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (37) I won't distract you from your snooping, then.

My story[edit]

After passing time in Harvest Den, Stoic Alder invited me north to visit a former homestead of his. Initially, I was surprised by the rundown state in which he'd kept his property. However, the reason soon became painfully dear. It once served as the Claw's family home but was left to fall into disrepair after the passing of Silken Weir, Alder's mate and Poky's mother. Weir joined efforts in the north to halt Jormag's rising, tragically resulting in the loss of her life.

Though I've known the Claw and his son for only a brief time, it's difficult to not be moved by their plight. I claim no expertise on matters of the heart, but I do know that a loss of that scale never truly heals. And in regards to Poised Arrow, a loss at a very impressionable age. I admit that,despite his at-times-abrasive antics and lackadaisical attitude toward responsibility, Poised Arrow is remarkably strong. Already life has taken a great deal from him. Still, he holds his head high and brings light to those around him.

I put in some overdue maintenance on the homestead to help ease the family's burden. Though I expected nothing in return, Stoic Alder rewarded me with a generosity I was not prepared for. He gifted me the homestead! I recognize that the place likely seems more an emotional burden to him than an asset, but the extravagance of the gift is not to be overlooked. I can't help but wonder if the gesture was in part diplomatically motivated. Regardless... I have my own home! A notion I never thought possible. In fact, the thought of settling in one place had scarce occurred to me. But after years of venturing, having a place to put my feet up sounds quite nice. Now, if only I had something to rest my feet upon...


Per Stoic Alder's advice, I paid a visit to the town's Homestead Master, Deft Lahar. The visit started off ...rocky. Lahar was none too pleased that I was tasked with fixing Alder's homestead instead of him, what with me being a visitor and Lahar a longtime friend. Though I suspect Alder felt more comfortable outsourcing the task to a near stranger, weighty as it was. Fortunately for me, Lahar soon lowered his guard after I proved myself capable of hard work. His trust earned me instruction on how to build my very first home furnishing: a bed. Something that will be plenty useful, I'm sure!I was also introduced to his mate, Patient Willow, a highly skilled weaver. The pair certainly make for an interesting match, though their areas of expertise do complement each other. Willow taught me a traditional weaving pattern for a blanket to adorn my new bed. Apparently, the blanket's imagery is representative of "new beginnings." Fitting symbolism, indeed.

I returned to Stoic Ald- my homestead following my visit with Deft Lahar and Patient Willow. After getting the bed and blanket together, Stoic Alder and Poised Arrow seemed rather impressed by my handiwork. Alder was particularly intrigued by Willow's choice of weaving pattern, which seem to stir some memories in him. However, there was little time for reflection. Fading Aurora stopped by, looking for me on account of Barbed Vale. I'm apparently needed at the hunting outpost. As for why, I'm not entirely dear, but I'll be heading there soon to find out. For now, I've made it clear to Alder and Poky that my new homestead will always remain open to them. Still, I think they'd appreciate a moment to themselves to tell the place good-bye, if only symbolically. I've got plenty to keep me busy in the meantime.

My story



If you do not have enough materials to create the bed (and you don't have a way to use the trading post inside the instance) you'll have to go to character select to exit the instance and re-enter after getting the required materials.

Janthir Wilds storyline

Act1Prologue: The Tyrian AllianceUnknown TerritoryDiplomacy and DiscoveryHome Sweet HomeMissing in ActionStrangers among Lands
Act2Storm Clouds over JanthirTwice StrickenFinding BalanceAgainst the WallSorrow in These Halls
← Previous: Secrets of the Obscure

Retrieved from ""

Home Sweet Home - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.